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These are scanned copies of pictures that orginally belonged to my Grandmother from an old photo album.
Vivian TalleyCharles and Myrtle Talley on Right 010Charles Talley, Bill Payne and Paul RossCharles Talley 012Charles Talley 013Robert and Myrtle Brazeal 014Charles and Myrtle Talley 015talley family016talley family017Maybelle Boone Talley 018Charles Talley in France 1918 WWICharles Talley in France 1918 with Paul RossNettie & Bessie Lynch 021Myrtle Brazeal Talley and Eva Talley Stagner022Myrtle and Charles Talley with Homer and Hex 023Myrtle and Charlie Talley 024Ike and Hettie Talley about 1918Maybelle Talley with Bike 026Bessie Lynch and Charlie Talley 027Maybelle BooneTalley andy Hayden Boone on Forrester