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Visitors 246
Modified 1-Apr-24
Created 2-Jan-14
485 photos

Several pictures I scanned from my Mom's old album and box of pictures. Most were smoke and head damaged from the fire.
Anthony Clifford Kear GravestoneAcie and Ruth MitchellAcie MitchellDanny MitchellJohn and Mattie MitchellJohn Henry MitchellMattie Mitchell with Acie and ArthurMitchell FamilyNancy Mitchell TalleyNora MitchellPhylis MitchellNorine, Christy, Randy, Robin and GaryNorine, Robin and Christy Talley with Toby LujanNorine and Christy Talley with unknownPlaying Dominos at Grandma Talley'sGary and Robin 1959Gary and Robin in the gardenGary Talley 1957Nancy with Robin and GaryDanny Mitchell